Monday 16 March 2020

Marine Activities

Twice a year we publish SeaWords: Marine Biology in the Classroom, a newsletter for teachers. We always include an engaging marine-themed activity or experiment on page 4. Some include a trip to the beach or the use of live animals but some can be done right in the classroom. Below are the links to activities from past newsletters:

Invasive Species Monitoring
Collect & Observe Plankton
Buoy, oh Buoyancy
Mollusc Dichotomous Key
Whaley, Whaley Big
Papier Mache Seabird Eggs
Squid Propulsion Experiment
Marine Debris Experiment
The Great Diatom Race
Fish Shapes
Floating Fishes
Ocean Currents
Studying the Response of Marine Arthropods to Light
Calculating common periwinkle populations
Right-side Up
Mapping Right Whales (sightings data)
Some Like it Hot!
Apple Ocean

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive upcoming issues.

If you are curious about the tides of the Bay of Fundy check out our short, 10-minute video, The Living Tides of Fundy Bay.

We also post student collected data sets on our website. Data sets include whale sightings, invasive green crab monitoring data, water temperature, salinity, and lists of animals collected using our benthic/scallop drag.

We would love to hear from you if you try our activities in your classroom or at home. You can tag us on Twitter using @HuntsmanEdDept. Happy experimenting!