Tuesday 24 January 2012

Tour Tuesday: Ministers Island

Field courses at the Huntsman are not always just about marine biology.  In a place as rich in history as St. Andrews we sometimes mix a little of that in as well! 

A popular historical tour for some of our spring student groups is Ministers Island, which is accessible by a sand bar at low tide.  The island is of historical significance because it was the summer estate of Sir William Van Horne, the driving force behind the building of the railroad in Canada.  Students get to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the island, as well as touring the residence, barn, and bathhouse.     

Visit our website to see how we can create a unique field course to fit the needs and interests of you and your students www.huntsmanmarine.ca.

Students walking on the ocean floor on the way to the island.

Sir William Van Horne's summer residence.

Students having a tour inside the residence.

From the bathhouse students have a wonderful view of Passamaquoddy Bay.