Thursday 11 July 2013

Plankton Day Camp

Students who took part in Wednesday's Plankton Camp began the morning with a closer look at the various types of plankton through the microscope. While playing Plankton Bingo the students learnt which type of plankton were plants and which ones were animals. A Plankton sun-catcher craft came next to learn about why plankton need sunlight. Students also took time out of the camp to attend the seal feeding and have a quick explore of the touch pool.  In the afternoon the full day students went outside to play a filter feeding game in which they would be marine animals trying to catch the plankton that they eat. Afterwards the students returned to the lab to construct a model plankton and play Plankton Wars! Whose plankton would stay near the top of the water column in order to allow for photosynthesis? After a few tweaks most everyone was able to design a 'plankton' that would neither float at the very top of the water, nor sink.

The touch pool is always popular.

It can be exciting to watch the seal feeding from below as well.

 Some examples of the sun-catchers made by the students.

Students pretended to be various filter feeding animals (or cowboys?) and tried to pop as many bubbles (plankton) as they could in the time allowed.

The plankton models are being assembled from many different materials.

Both models floated at the top with the majority under water. Way to go!


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