Tuesday 16 June 2015

Toronto Waldorf - Day 2

Yesterday we started the day in the lab having a closer look at sea stars and sea urchins.  The students learned about the movement of the echinoderms using the water vascular system and saw it in action.  Then we toured the Huntsman Fundy Discovery Aquarium and had a chance to see lots of different fish and invertebrates that live in the Bay of Fundy.  The students enjoyed Snorkel and Loki, the harbour seals.

After lunch the group had a tour of the historic Van Horne Estate on Ministers Island.  At high tide it is a true island but at low tide it can be accessed by walking across a sand bar.  On the island is the summer estate of Sir William Van Horne who was the driving force behind the Canadian Pacific Railway.  It was a lovely sunny day to walk and tour the island.

Looking at the anatomy of the echinoderms using the microscope.

Sea urchin magnified.

Drawing and labelling the urchin and sea star.

Touring the aquarium.

Viewing the harbour seals underwater.

Seahorses feeding.

A big, blue lobster!

Watching Snorkel and Loki having lunch.

Enjoying the touch tank.

Waiting for the tide to go down so we can walk to the island.

Walking on the ocean floor.

The summer home of Sir William Van Horne.

Inside the home, Covenhoven.

Van Horne's grandson's room.

Heading to the bathhouse.

Touring the massive barn.

Leaving the island.  Take note of how much is exposed compared to when we first crossed.

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