Saturday 23 September 2017

South Carleton, Earl of March & Osgoode 2017

This week on campus we welcomed students from three Ottawa area schools, South Carleton High School, Earl of March Secondary School and Osgoode Township High School. The students have had a week full of marine biology in the field and in the lab. Below are some pictures from their adventures.

Working in the university lab.

Using microscopes to study plankton.

Collecting plankton from the bay.

Conducting a benthic drag.

Sorting through the animals collected from the bottom of the bay.

Pearls from a scallop!

Hermit crab in a shell covered in snail fur.

Tiny sea urchins.

Gathering data on the temperature and salinity of the bay.

Trekking up ramp at low tide...steep!

Identifying the live animals in the lab using field guides.

Having a closer look at the external anatomy of sea urchins.

On the beach looking for invasive green crabs.

The students found lots of green crabs.

Once collected the crabs are sexed, measured and marked.

Waiting for the ferry to Grand Manan Island.

Visiting Roland's Sea Vegetables.

Samples of the different seaweeds for sale.

Collecting seaweed on the beach at the Anchorage Provincial Park.

The winners of the longest seaweed competition, measuring over 2 meters long!

Creating a dichotomous key using seaweed.

Lobstering 101 with Captain Peter Wilcox.

Some of the traps all ready for the start of the season in November.

Exploring the basalt cliffs at Dark Harbour.

Hiking to Swallowtail Lighthouse.

Touring the museum

Behaviour experiments: does the size of a seastar effect the flipping rate?

The effects of temperature on the feeding rates of barnacles.

Testing the strength of echinoderms.

Some of the group getting ready to go whale watching on the Fundy Odyssey.

The rest of the group onboard the Quoddy Link. 

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