Thursday 11 October 2012

Saint John High School Group 2

Yesterday we were joined by another class of Grade 10 students from Saint John High School.  In the morning the students studied plankton in the lab and also went out on the boat to collect fresh plankton samples and also a varied sampling of marine life from the floor of the bay.  In the afternoon the students took a closer look at some of the animals collected and used a dichotomous key to identify each creatures' Phylum.  Using their keen skills of observation, they also wrote detailed descriptions of each animal they looked at.  The final activity for the day was the study of barnacle feeding rate and the effects of temperature on this.

Identifying and counting the animals brought up in the scallop drag.

Classifying creatures requires attention to detail.

Placing the barnacles in the water bath of 5 degrees Celsius.

These students are beginning the process of warming the water bath up to the next temperature.

A few Saint John High boys who are very intent on their experiment.

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