Saturday 13 October 2012

Saint John High Seniors Overnight

Yesterday we were joined by a group of Grade 12 students from Saint John High School. These students came to the Huntsman for a two day trip in which to further their learning about the aquatic environment and the plants and animals that call the ocean their home.  Soon after they arrived yesterday they were given a review on the plants and animals they may encounter while at the shore. Then they learnt all about the American Lobster with guest speaker Genny Simard; our Aquarium Interpreter.  After that the students went to Holey Point where they marked periwinkles in order to estimate the population there and then completed a zonation activity to record geological and biological data from the beach.  That evening they used their data collected at the beach to create graphs.

This morning the students returned to Holey Point to recapture their periwinkles and complete their formula's for the estimation of the population.  They then returned to the lab to learn more about how to set up behavioural experiments before designing their own experiment to be completed in the afternoon.  Many different experiments were carried out by the students; some looked at how temperature or salinity affected behaviour and others looked at environment.

One of the zonation graphs made by the students.

Keeping a good record of data is very important when completing experiments

This experiment involved temperature and the behaviour of sea urchins.

One of the many test subjects used.

Weight of the test subjects was also recorded for interpretation.

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