Wednesday 5 March 2014

March Break - Whale Day

Monday was Whale Day during the March Break day program at the aquarium.  To start the day off the students were introduced to toothed and baleen whales by touching real dolphin and porpoise teeth, as well as right whale and fin whale baleen.  To understand the difference in feeding methods between the two the students played a game using clothes pins and combs to simulate feeding with teeth and baleen.  Also, the students got to look through the microscope at a copepod, a microscopic animal which makes up the diet of right whales. To reinforce the baleen whale feeding method the students made a humpback whale food chain craft.

Just before lunch the students watched the resident harbour seals, Snorkel and Loki, have their lunch.  Then the seals enjoyed watching the children have their lunch!  Snorkel was really interacting with the students and was playing and mimicking their behaviours.

In the afternoon the students did an experiment to help them understand how blubber keeps whales warm in the cold ocean waters.  Then they did another experiment to learn how blubber and bones affect a whale's ability to float and dive.  It was messy using the olives and shortening but it was pretty cool!

To finish the day the students got to spend time around the touch tanks viewing all of the invertebrates and skates.  The students were in love with all the sea stars and even found one with six arms!

Whale feeding frenzy!

Humpback food chain.

Blubber experiment.

Blubber buoyancy fun!

Sea star tube feet.

Six armed sea star!

Sea star with its stomach extended.  Cool!

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