Friday 13 April 2012

Laval Liberty – Day 4

Today the Laval Liberty students started off their day conducting behaviour experiments with some of the different invertebrate species they had collected throughout their stay at the Huntsman.  There were four different experiments being completed in the labs, with each pair of students completing one experiment.  The four experiments were: the affect of different salinities on a green crab, common sea star and seaweed; how different crab species react to light; how temperature affects the feeding rate of barnacles; and if size affects the flipping rate of common sea stars.  Students used the knowledge and information they had gained throughout their field course, such as the temperature and salinity of the water in the bay, how far the light penetrates into the water, and in which habitat each of the animals was collected, to help them interpret their results. 

Currently the students have been given a much deserved break to explore the town of St. Andrews, enjoy the sun, and do some souvenir shopping. 
Thank you to the teachers and students of Laval Liberty High School for being a wonderful group!  Safe travels as you head home to Laval this evening!

A toad crab awaiting his turn under the light.
A green crab preparing for a dip in the salty water.

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