Wednesday 15 May 2013

Essex- Day 3

Today the group from Essex High School enjoyed a hike through the Caughey-Taylor Nature Preserve. This nature preserve encompasses the unique Sam Orr's Pond, which is a brackish pond. Brackish water can contain 0.5 to 30 grams of salt per litre of water. The area surrounding the pond is salt marsh and organisms not found anywhere else in the area are found here.
After lunch the students were also given a presentation about aquaculture in the area, and more specifically at the Huntsman, by Christopher Bridger who is the aquaculture Projects Manager here.

Students stop at Sam Orr's Pond to search for marine organisms not found in any other environment in the area.

Students ranged all up and down the pond searching for the more elusive creatures.
This student tries using a net to catch a particularly quick animal.

After another hike through the woods students stopped on Berry Point to enjoy a different view of the Passamaquody Bay.

Christopher Bridger explains what they do in this building with regards to salmon broodstock.

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