Wednesday 10 September 2014

Ottawa Catholic Schools - Day 1

Early this morning a group of students from six schools within the Ottawa Catholic School Board descended upon the Huntsman campus.  After getting into their rooms and having breakfast the group struck out for their first day of marine biology.

Throughout the day the students did a rotation of a trip on our research vessel the Fundy Spray, time in the lab to study plankton, and a tour of the Fundy Discovery Aquarium.

While aboard the boat the students collected specimens of plankton and invertebrates, such as sea stars, urchins, and scallops to study during their stay.  They also gathered salinity and temperature data to better understand the habitat of the animals they will be working with this week.

In the lab the students got to see the microscopic life that makes the Bay of Fundy such a diverse and special ecosystem.  Diatoms, dinoflagellates, and copepods were all sketched and identified.  The students also got to see and feel the different types of whale baleen that are on display in the lab.

The highlights of the aquarium tour included exploring the touch tanks and seeing all of the interesting animals from the Bay of Fundy, including the lumpfish, lobsters and seals.

I am sure this evening will be pretty quiet as the students catch up on their rest in preparation for tomorrow's early morning beach excursion.

Studying plankton in the aquarium lab.

Sketching the different species of plankton.

One of the groups on a tour of the aquarium.

Safety prep with the captain.

Zooplankton and phytoplankton samples from the bay.

Gathering data using the salinometer.

Waiting for the scallop drag to be dumped.

Hermit crab missing its home and a tiny scallop.

Beautiful brittle stars!

Sorting the animals collected by the scallop drag.

Headed back to the residence for supper.

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