Tuesday 30 September 2014

Recruiting Students for a Field Course

Interested in bringing students to the Huntsman on a field course?  Here are some tips to help you recruit students to make your dream a reality.

1) Promote your field course.
Put up posters, post items in the school newspaper/newsletter, use social media, be in the morning announcements, post on the school website, send home notices to parents, have information available at parent/teacher conferences, promote at events such as dances, socials, or sports games, and don't forget to have other teachers in the school suggest your field course to potential students.

2) Partner with another school.
For small schools or classes, partnering with another school in the local area can alleviate some of the financial aspects of the trip.  We have a number of schools that have very successful partnerships.

3) Have multiple meetings.
Schedule meetings on different days and at different times to accommodate people's busy lives. Previous commitments may prevent some students or parents from attending the first meeting so make sure there are alternatives.

4) Have fundraisers.
Fundraising promotes the trip to the school community, while also bringing down the cost for students.  Decreasing the cost per individual can make it easier for those with less financial flexibility to come on the trip.

5) Use past participants.
If you have brought students to the Huntsman before enlist these past participants and their parents to speak at information meetings.  They can bring pictures, powerpoints, or souvenirs to share why their experience was beneficial to them.

6) Use our resources.
Such as the Education Department videotwitter account, facebook page and this blog.  We post lots of pictures and videos of what students are seeing and doing while they are here at the Huntsman.  A picture speaks a thousand words!

7) Its educational and fun!
Making curriculum connections may be important to get parents, principals and the school district on board.  For students it may be important to mention the fun they will be having while learning: being on a boat, touching sea stars and other marine creatures, hanging out with seals and spending time with friends exploring St. Andrews by-the-Sea.

For more information about Huntsman field courses email, call (506) 529-1200 or visit our website for more information.

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