Thursday 15 May 2014

Essex Ag-Tech High - Day 3

Today we started the day on the hunt for marine worms at Pottery Creek.  We found lots of different kinds including blood worms, clam worms, red-lined worms, and the milky ribbon worm.

Upon leaving the beach we got the worms settled in the lab and then headed to New River Beach Provincial Park to hike the trail.  Before the hike we had a quick picnic lunch and then hit the trail which runs through a bog and then winds back along the shore. It was a great hike and the students had a chance to see some different plant species including labrador tea and leatherleaf.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent shopping in St. Andrews.

This evening we studied the worms we collected earlier today.

Tomorrow the group will head back to Massachusetts.  Thanks for a great week!

The hunt begins.

Digging through the mud in search of worms.

A beautiful clam worm.

Hiking on the trail at New River Beach.

One of the lookouts at the ocean.

Going through the bog.

A gorgeous pitcher plant.

A quick stop at the fish ladder in St. George.

Sorting worms in the lab.

Clam worm under the scope.

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